Tools + Tips for Entrepreneurs

Curated with change agents like you in mind.

You have to start somewhere.
Why not here?📌

Why do we create and curate tools just for you?

Let’s be real. There is A LOT going on!

  • The information is hard to parse, and some of it is expensive or subscription based.

  • So MANY new resources and lists are being published every day. The amount of info on the internet doubles every 2 years!

  • Small business owners get overwhelmed, see everything they need to do, and don’t even know where to begin.

  • If you are in survival mode (How do I pay rent, my few employees, a vendor?) you have zero time.

  • You need to start somewhere. We give you access.

Let us know if there’s a tool, topic, or resource you’re missing.

We probably have a link for that.
If not, we’ll add it to the cue and make it happen.

“True activism takes action over intentions.”

Read coFLOWco’s full Hard Convos Mini-Guide here on Almanac.

What if I say the wrong thing? What if they do?

Prepare ahead to speak your truth, and how to deliver an effective apology.

Speaking up, listening to others, and bravely fighting for justice is the work. And speaking up means you will put your foot in your mouth, we included a way to repair and #DoBetter.

This Free Mini-guide is for purpose-driven leaders who want to practice productive communications. Step 1. Accountability.

Not guaranteed to give you a trauma-free conversation.

Want more? Download the scripts now.

Design your workplace with purpose.


Why we provide free stuff to fellow founders.

First, everyone deserves support. Second, we believe in amplifying great ideas and giving creatives tools to make bank and a social impact.

We are signatories of the Design Justice Network Principles, and this library fits perfectly with Principle 7. “We share design knowledge and tools with our communities.”

Additionally, we are inspired and aligned by Principle 10. “Before seeking new design solutions, we look for what is already working at the community level. We honor and uplift traditional, indigenous, and local knowledge and practices.”

We make sure all of our resources include diverse expertise and experiences, and include work from inspiring humans doing business and life in a more caring and sustainable way.

Tools made in collaboration. ⬇️

This Coronavirus Resource Guide was created with love for our fellow founders and colleagues pushing to dismantle the patriarchy. Gathered by Jen Macias, Creative Director and Founder of Duende and Emily Weltman, Principal Consultant and Founder of Collective Flow Consulting.

Oregon focused information but most resources apply nationally.

coFLOWco + Duende

Small Business Resources: Coronavirus Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs

This guide is was to help you and your business navigate the early impacts and opportunities from the economic crisis and lack of work.

“While some leaders may be talking about pivoting, marketing and thriving in crisis, our focus is on surviving.

*last updated in 2020. If you want to see the guide, email us here.

3rd-Party Suggested Resources*

These amazing projects and orgs in tech, ethics, and design are worth amplifying. Why tech ethics for a brand consultancy? We all use tech every day. It impacts every aspect of our consulting work and our personal lives. Inclusive design demands accessibility, considered tech and open source information.

*We are NOT affiliated (though we’d love to be!)

Safer tech starts with community centered design thinking.

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Control Your Daily Tech Diet.

Reference this solid list of tips from the Center for Humane Tech on how to disconnect, turn down the volume on distractions and toxic information, and how to get more balanced, accurate information to become a better citizen, parent, partner, employee.

“Together with our partners, the Center for Humane Technology (CHT) is dedicated to radically reimagining our digital infrastructure. Our mission is to drive a comprehensive shift toward humane technology that supports our well-being, democracy, and shared information environment.”

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Design Ethically with Questions + Dialogue.

Download or order the free
”Ethical Explorer Pack: Your Guide for Creating Responsible Tech” here.
Created by Sarah Drinkwater at Omidyar.

“[It’s] designed to spark group dialogue, identify early warning signs, build internal support, and brainstorm solutions to avoid future risks.”

“At Omidyar Network, we have a human-centered vision of tech that underpins greater individual and community empowerment, social opportunity, and safety.”

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Consider + Center Humanity in Tech

“Let’s recentre human dignity and refocus on questions of power and control…People need to be re-centred at the heart of the conversation on the future of work.”

Download the Future Says report: Ai @ Work.

“[Future Says is] a new global initiative, committed to accountability in the tech ecosystem, to rebalancing power, and to reimagining technology in a pro-public way – built and designed by people for people.”

“The future of work is human.”